Open Call for the Collective Exhibition of Letrastica Festival 4
Letrástica opens the call for the Collective Exhibition of Letrastica Festival 4 to be held in October 2022 in Guadalajara, Mexico.
We invite interested people anywhere around the world to submit representative samples of their work on typography, lettering, sign painting, calligraphy or any other kind of letterforms under the following conditions:
- The works presented may consist of: alphabets, isolated glyphs, type specimens, calligraphy, letterform experimentations, signs, lettering, letterpress or any other way in which letterforms may be designed.
- For unpublished works, it is suggested to use the theme “Type, letters and community”.
- The works must be presented on a poster 50 cm wide by 70 cm long, in digital format to be printed. Letrastica team will be in charge of printing the posters.
- Each participant must send their posters in PDF format in CMYK color mode. In the case of bitmap images, the optimum resolution for printing must be considered.
- The festival organizing team will select up to 35 sheets to be printed and exhibited at the festival venue. The selection will take into account criteria of quality and originality of the pieces, but also of diversity, representativeness and inclusion.
- Each participant or group may send up to two different pieces.
- If there are pieces that involve direct printing in non digital formats (for example,letterpress) or original pieces, the organizing team must be contacted to agree on the possibility and conditions for their inclusion in the exhibition. The festival does not have insurance against damage to original work.
- The participants agree to send only pieces of their own authorship or, in the case of works with co-authorship or derivatives, they must include the respective additional credits and have the authorization of the other people with authorial participation.
- By sending proposals, the consent of the participants is assumed for the exhibition of their work within the festival and in the itinerant exhibitions that the Letrastica organization considers pertinent, taking into account that they will always have a non-profit dissemination character and with mention of the authorship of each piece.
- At the end of the scheduled exhibitions, the entire exhibition will become part of the collection of Letrástica and the Design School of the Universidad Anáhuac Veracruz. The organization of the festival is committed to its preservation, to maintaining its integrity and to avoiding any improper or unauthorized use of the pieces.
- All participants with selected pieces will receive a certificate of participation from the organizing committee
To submit your proposal, the digital file must be sent to with the following information:
- Full name of the participant.
- Nationality/Place of residence
- Contact email and phone number
- Link to personal website, portfolios and social networks.
- Name of the participating piece
- Brief review of your work
The deadline will be October 5, 2022 and the results will be announced on the Letrástica Festival social media no later than October 10.
Only applications that are sent with all the required information, including the digital image and within the specified period, will be submitted to the selection process.
*This call is subject to minor changes, which will be notified only to participants who have submitted an application.