Open Forum Open Call for Letrástica Festival 4
We invite you participate in the next Letrastica Festival 4. ¡Send your proposal before September 25th, 2022!
Open Forum of Letrastica Festival 4
We want to hear your voice. Our call for the Open Forum is now open! !
1. A call for participation
We are calling for professionals, researchers, professors, students, graduates, designers and graphic artists related to the design of the letter to participate in presenting topics with focus on typography, calligraphy, sign painting, editorial design, grapholects, letters, font software, writing techniques, printing and letterpress to share, promote and publicize issues related to the field within the activities of Letrastica 4 Festival.
2. Theme
The presentations can be theoretical or technical on topics of information, research, didactic, innovation, historical or social, in the areas of typography, calligraphy and sign painting, printing, editorial design and various media and systems with focus on letters, as well as plastic or artistic, exposing the qualities, meanings and processes that provide necessary and relevant information in the area chosen for the sign painting, lettering, typography or calligraphy.
3. Characteristics of the presentations
The maximum length of the presentation is 20 minutes. The presentation should be set in spanish. The content of the presentation must be unpublished and with an appropriate critical framework, respecting the authorship of extracts of information, images and other elements that hold intellectual property rights. All the information contained in the exhibition is the responsibility of the speaker.
Letrastica festival with its organization committee and staff are not responsible for errors, breaches or omissions in regards to copyright and for this speaker should be accountable with proper penalties.The exhibition must be created in .pdf extension for its projection and speaker must bring in a USB insertion memory, also, once approved, the PDF must be sent 24 hours prior to the assigned time of presentation via email.
4. Submission of proposals
Presentation proposals will be admitted from August 29th to September 30th, 2022. A summary of the paper should be sent to the e-mail along with the participant's basic information such as:
– Full name
– Topic
– Photograph of the participant
The summary that is received in time will be considered a registration of participation which will be submitted to reading and evaluation by a jury assigned by the organizing committee.
*In this edition of the festival, the curatorship and organization will be a collaboration between Letrástica and Times New Woman.
5. Acceptance of presentations
Approval results will be sent on between October 5th to October 7th, 2022 via email.
A specific day and time will be assigned for your presentation within the framework of festival activities which must be attended and respected punctually by the speaker while taking into consideration that the festival staff team is committed to having the tools and equipment necessary in time and form required.
The presentations will be held in a space of 20 minutes in the conference or chat room areas assigned by the festival organization, which will provide a laptop, projector and projection area, speakers, microphones and necessary material for the correct presentation.
These presentations will be exclusive to all attendees registered at the festival and wearing an accreditation badge.
6. Rights and obligations
The author will be notified of the announcement of the selected papers via email and with a letter of agreement of participation stating responsibility for participation on the days and schedules established which author will sign and return by email.
Travel expenses for the speaker, as well as accommodation and food are entirely up to them.
Letrastica festival including its organization committee and qualified jury reserves the unappealable right of admission, screening, presentation and use of the material collected and shared if it does not meet the requirements of virtuosity, respect, originality and sincerity within the given values.
The speaker will receive a certificate / acknowledgment of the presentation with curricular value and will have an accreditation that will grant him / her access to the rest of the activities within the program of the Festival.
* This call is subject to minor changes and participants will be notified.
Guadalajara, Jalisco - July 2012
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Guadalajara, Jalisco - Agosto 2022
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