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Workshop: The Thousand Faces of Gothic

Taller: Las Mil Caras de la Gótica

[The workshop will be held mainly in Spanish, but no worries the instructor will offer guidance in English too.]

This is a calligraphic workshop on gothic letter models: from the medieval to the vernacular. We will explore a diverse group of gothic styles, as well as options for tracing gothic letters with different tools. For all audiences, no previous experience with calligraphy needed.



1. Introduction to the calligraphic technique

2. Medieval Gothic: Textura, Rotunda and Bastarda

3. Typographic Gothic: Fraktur, Schwabacher, Civilité

4. Vernacular and contemporary Gothic

5. Exploration and exercises



We will be exploring the generalities of the Gothic calligraphic stye, seeking reflection on the practice of this style of letters that has existed for more than a thousand years.


Material required for the participant

  • SpeedBall Type C nib or similar
  • Calligraphy holder and black Indian Ink
  • 20 sheets of letter size bond paper
  • 1 sheet of white bond paper
  • 2 sheets of black America paper
  • Colored chalk
  • Optional: parallel pen of 3.8 or 6.0 millimeters, calligraphic markers of any thickness.


Jesús Barrientos

Jesús Barrientos has a certification in type design by the University of Reading (2018), is a research professor at BUAP and a guest researcher at the Scaliger Institute, Leiden University. He has given workshops and conferences at institutions in Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Spain, Ireland, Poland and England. His research has been published in books such as Legacy of The Elzevir (2017) and Signs, Letters and Typography in Latin America (2019); His work as a type designer has received recognition and publications in America and Europe, having clients such as Reebok, Sagmeister & Walsh, Macmillan, HarperCollins, among others. He is a delegate for Mexico before the ATypI.

Map to the location
